--|| Basic Forum Rules

-- I. Activity. There will be regularly monthly activity checks that are done by the owners between 27th of the current month and 1st of the following month. These checks are to ensure we don't have SL's hanging in limbo. Unfortunately, we have to do this because a lot of people forget to, or don't have time to alert the owner's they're going on an LoA. This is done, to take care of that, so those waiting on inactive people know they are no longer here and can continue on with their stories as they see fit instead of lingering in limbo. ( Welcoming members does not count as activity. )
------ If your found inactive for more than one week, your account will be placed inactive. After two weeks of not hearing anything from you, the account will be deactivated and you will have to reapply at a later date.
------ If you want to report an LoA simply PM the Owner's and ST's and they'll put you on LoA.

-- II. Registration. Each character must have it's own account. The accounts are how we keep track of what character's have in terms of status, wealth and acknowledgement. These are VERY important for role-playing purposes.

-- III. Warning System. Volthalyn is ran based on a Three Warnings system. Depending on the situation you may not get warnings. Keep in mind, these warnings are logged and placed in a protected section of the forums.
------ I. warning is verbal/IM speaking.
------ II. warning is an e-mail and you are placed on a probation for one week, if the behavior doesn't stop within that timeframe or gets worse you will be removed, with possibility to return at a later date.
------ III. warning will result in verbal/IM and/or e-mail and a two week probation, one slip up during this time you are removed from the SL and banned with no possibility of returning ever.

--- IV. Punishments & Banning. These are voted on by the Owner's and ST's. The decision is made by majority rules after they all have a chance to vote. Nobody else will be allowed to speak on your behalf. You are one person and fully capable of controlling your actions. Involving other members will be automatic removal without discussion.
---- The Process.
---- I. A log of the crime will be posted in the admin forum, the Owner/ST posting such will include a brief description as to what has happened.
---- II. The Peacemaker will approach you and speak to you in IM about what you have done and provide you with the log given and let you know that you are under investigation.
---- III. The log of the conversation will be posted beneath the original post, then Owner's and ST's will discus what they wish to happen.
---- IV. You will receive a PM about a hidden password protected thread, where you will be informed the decision of the council and will have the chance through this thread to state your case. This depends heavily on the crime and if numerous people are involved or not.
---- V. After the thread is closed and moved, the council will take another vote. Afterwards, you will receive a PM regarding your punishment 24hrs before it is carried out.

Note : When the Peacemaker approaches you in IM's OOCly. He will make you aware of the possible punishments you can/will receive for your crime. You can choose at that time to accept the punishment or request an investigation to state your case. In which case if you chose to accept the punishment available, the Peacemaker will carry it out with you that day.

-- V. Forum and Chat Posting. When role-playing in a public room or on the forums we ask that you keep it mature rated. The forums and rooms are accessible by those of all ages, so please use digression when RPing adult scenes and keep them private to yourself and partner(s).

-- VI. Peacemaker. Get to know him, utilize him. He is here to help you and ensure that your role-play experience is as pleasant as it can possibly be. Sometimes problems arise, as they always do when you have a group of people. Not everyone will always get along. If you feel wronged or someone has done something to you breaking the above and bellow rules, you are encouraged to log the proceedings and send them to the Peacemaker as soon as possible. Think of him as the Police Officer of Volthalyn. It's his job to the keep the peace. However, if you can't provide a log there is nothing he can do for you.

--|| Player Guidelines

-- I. Respect Fellow Players. When interacting and playing with your fellow members your expected to be respectful. Trolling and causing drama is not welcome and will not be tolerated here. If you witness someone acting in a disrespectful manner, Trolling, or otherwise causing drama be sure to log and alert the owner's so appropriate action can be taken. Do not take matters into your own hands, thus will only make it worse.

-- II. Log It! Logs can and will be your best friend. Logs are ways we can tell that your being active even outside the forum. Even when your not playing and a problem has risen between yourself an another member. LOG IT! We can not and will not be able to effectively help you without proof of what's going on.

-- III. Role-Playing. This is a turn-based logic SL. Meaning, there is no dice system or reports required just genuine good RP. We accept RPer's at all levels, because let's face it we all started somewhere and got better at it through trial and error.
------ NO Cross-play. - Cross-play is when you take the actions of a character personally OOCly and visa versa. If you are found and proven guilty of such it is an automatic probation period. Doing so again, will be cause for removal and even possible banning.
------ NO Meta-gaming. - This is when you read logs and posts between other character's and assume your character knows what happened even though they were not part of the play that took place. If your character was not there, they would not know about what happened.
------ NO God-moding. - This is when during a fight a character dodges everything and makes every attack successful. This is not possible and considered god-moding. Don't do it. If your going to fight with someone do so wisely. No character would be that perfect of a fighter where they can dodge everything and have only successful attacks.

-- IV. Game Events. Once a month or every other week. The owners, or story tellers will throw an event of some kind for the members to enjoy and mingle. These events can be anything from celebrations to epic battles. If you don't feel your character can participate in any of the events that may occur don't worry. They provide NPC's [ Non-playing Character's ] that you can choose from to play so you can still participate and receive bonuses from the game for your character.
------ Note - We do understand that you may not be able to get to all of them, that's ok. But it is required to in the least try to make it to one event a month to ensure you are still interested in the game as a whole, a good majority of the Status' that a public require public/group play. Failing to attend those can result in your character losing their status. [Don't worry, we'll be holding forum events also so those who can't get online or in an AoL room can have a chance to participate as well.]

-- V. AoL Chatrooms. Members are encouraged to open up rooms and play even if an owner or story teller is unavailable to do so. We aren't always going to be available to play. Don't worry, you don't need us to hold your hand to play, we have faith in you!
------ Room Play. We request that you keep it turn based logic, alphabetical order starting with the room owner. If there is more than four people playing we request that you try to keep posts between 4 and 5 posts in length to keep the play moving. Post length doesn't matter when it is an entrance.
------ Note : If you decide to open a room, it's your job as the room owner to IM those who are coming in to inform them if the room is IC or OOC and the room order. Even if people aren't official members they are welcome to come play to see if this is the place for them.