Ironclad Fist Laws

    Here a list of the laws and punishments in order of their level of offenses. The Ironclad Fist Law is a Zero Tolerance law, no one person, guest or other is secluded from these laws. Keep such in mind even if you are not a member when Rping here. Nobody is special, even if you are a king or queen you will pay the consequence of your crime.
    Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. If a person is arrested they are held in secluded imprisonment for three days. After three days of arrest, if a law official is unable to provide enough proof to bring subject to court, or keep them behind bars, the subject is released. If the subject is arrested for a high offense they are not only held in secluded imprisonment, they are kept from public and chained in a upright standing position until court decides otherwise.

--- || High Level Offenses - ( No visitors will be allowed. )

  - Assault or kidnapping of a high official or military personnel.
  - Treason against the crown.
    This includes ; Giving any sort of high level information to those outside or inside of the lands. Such as military maps and documents, and classified High Council documents.
  - Altering classified documents without permission from the King.
  - Unlawful punishments : Giving of a punishment without court/trial and or permission of the King.
  - Murder and/or assassination of anyone within the Lands. Citizen or not.
  - Arson of any building within Volthalyn without permission, whether you own the building or not.
   - Marriage or Courtship without the approval of the King.

--- || Medium Level Offenses - ( Only close relatives are allowed to visit. )

  - Military insubordination.
  - Assault of a citizen or guest.
  - Kidnap or rape no matter who they are.
  - Arson of Volthalyn lands without a permission to do so, whether you own the lands or not.
  - Adultery.
  - Outlaw.
  - Consulting with outlaws.

--- || Low Level Offenses - ( Anyone can visit. )

  - Theft of an object(s).
  - Abuse of another living being, including spouse and children.

Punishments For Law Breaking

    If a person is found guilty in the court of law, they are immediately taken from court and placed back in secluded imprisonment until a sentencing hearing commences. This can take up to two-three days. All sentences are final.

--- || High Level Offenses -

  - Death ;
    *Stoning ; Subject is pelted by the public with rocks until death.
    *Crushed ; Subject is pinned to the ground while large rocks are piled onto them till they are either crushed beneath the weight, or suffocate to death.
    *Drowning ; Subject is placed in a deep well that is covered by a large, heavy rock. Then the well is slowly filled till completely filled with water and the subject drowns.
    *Dismemberment ; Subject’s hands, feet, arms, legs are removed before they are finally beheaded. Their head is place on a pike atop the Hidden Palace wall for several days before being taken down. Their body parts are scattered to the corners of Volthalyn where they are buried at random.
    *Arrows ; Subject is shot by archers until dead.
    *Hung ; Subject is publicly hung by the neck. If the subjects neck does not snap they are left to hang for 24hrs and guarded before their body is taken down and they are buried.
  - Life : Subject receives the choice to serve life in imprisonment or in the arena until the day they die.
  - Branded : Subject is branded with the symbol of their crime and can receive up to ten years imprisonment. The family and name of the subject is also shamed.

--- || Medium Level Offenses -

  - Death ;
    *Hung ; Subject is privately hung. If the subjects neck does not break then they are left to hang until dead, then released to their family for burial.
    *Beheaded ; Subject is publicly behead then the body is released to the family for burial.
  - Lashing : Subject can receive up to as many as thirty, and as little as fifteen lashes depending on level of crime.   - Shame : Subject loses their title/position and or there land/business and is placed chained in public to be shamed for up to seven days before they are released.
  - Labeled : If the subject has created adultery they are forced to wear the letter 'A' sewed onto their clothing.

--- || Low Level Offenses -

   - Dismemberment : Removal of a finger or whole hand depending on the level of crime.
  - Lashings : Subject can retrieve as many as fifteen lashes, to as little as one or two lashings depending on the level of the crime.