-----|| Want to Join? Need to fill this out first!

Yes, it is unfortunate, though we do need this for you to become a member. Relax, we've taken the time to make it as simple, quick and easy as possible for you, so we can get you in and playing in no time!

Copy and Paste the following to a new thread here ------> CLICK HERE! and fill it out to the best of your ability!

Note : The application thread is checked daily by an admin and applications are moved to a secure location only accessable by admins.
Once you are accepted, an Admin will IM you personally to welcome you to the group as well as speak with you about getting you set up as a memeber.

--- || Out of Character || ---

Name or nickname ||
Aol/aim ||
E-mail ( if different from above. ) ||
Years of Experience ||
Do you have a bebo(bebo.com) for this character? ||
---- If no, are you willing to make one? ||

--- Take note : If you haven't noticed in the member section. Bebo's are VERY important to this group. It makes less things you have to fill out copy and paste, and these you can edit and update anytime you wish to on what you want people to know about your character. Less that we owner's have to do, and less you have to do as well! If you need help with a bebo, let the Peacemaker know and he'll help you out.

--- || In Character || ---

Name ||
Rank you'd like to strive for ||
Profession you'd like to strive for ||
Are you for, or against Tyranny? || ( ) Yes, I'd prefer it. ( ) No, I hate it. ( ) Neutral. I care not either way as long as it doesn't effect me.
Model and Movie ||

Give an example of play. This can be part of a log, or something off the top of your head. ||
( Note, if you've RPed prior with members or the owners, you may skip this and just list the SN's of those you played with and they can vouch for you! )