OOC Notice : Update as of April 2013.

    In the past, Volthalyn was a fantasy-medieval RPG with some small restrictions. This time around, we've decided to remove the fantasy spectrum all together. In the past allowing fantasy character's turned out to be a rather bad idea due to causing unnecessary out of character drama of 'my guns bigger and better than yours'. Plus we've also taken notice that a lot of the other SL's out there are fantasy. So we've decided to offer you as players a place to go that provides a little more challenge.

    Medieval-Realistic. This mean's humans only. There is no magic. There are not 'elves, vampires, werewolves' etc etc. You get hurt you can very well get an infection and possibly even die from it. If you get stabbed, you could very well bleed to death if you don't get to a healer in time. Traveling and healing takes time.

--- Keep in mind. - We aren't over-baring owner's and won't shoot down every idea you have involving possible war, death or violence all together. Here we are not against King's and Queen's dying or even civil war breaking out where someone else completely besides us takes the throne. We as owners are here to run and provide a game for you the player. So if you have an idea, let us know!

Time has passed!

    This is mainly for those that were members in Volthalyn before when it was first opened, and the owner's unfortunately had to close it down due to the head retiring and the SiC unable to run it by himself. Now, to help the story and plot move along. We've decided to pass time on by fifteen years! That's right, fifteen years have passed by, so if you wish to bring back an original character from the first time around, you must keep in mind that this time has passed. Your character would have quite effectively aged if not being elders now like Narien has. ( Who is now 57 going on 58 years of age. )

    If you are an original member and wish to bring back one of those original characters. We can work out with you what has happened between then and now. Those who were loyal to Narien would have been rewarded by Richard with nobility status for themselves and family. You can even create a new character that could have been a descendant of your original character! This is only open to THOSE original members because they created those characters and we will not take credit and pass on what does not belong to us.